What Are Our Events Like?
What is MIQeen?
Although MIQ, a female singer, has become one of the prominent figures in the specific field of "animation-songs", her roots are in the music styles of soul, jazz, funk, and so on.
MIQueen is the live concert event featuring songs which are the essence of MIQ but rarely heard.
It is a space where you can relax and spend your time in an adult mood with palatable drinks and dishes.
Simultaneously it is sometimes utilised as a hidden ingredient that a song from animation programs deliberately selected from the terms whether it can impeccably match adultlike atmosphere.
It will be a genuine pleasure, which can only be found at MIQueen and is unique and unparalleled that the live performance of songs from unexpected musical genres and songs with new, unprecedented, attempts by MIQ.
For those of you who have been awaited a live show and MIQ for adults, MIQueen would not disappoint you perpetually.
While MIQueen is its axis, an unexpected dream collaboration featuring two great artists, MIQ and Takenobu Mitsuyoshi (Mr.) as an offshoot of MIQueen, that is, MIQTAKE-LIVE.
This is a live performance for adults as well, which is firmly in the principle of MIQueen, as its offshoot.
Here Mitsuyoshi does not sing his roots, video game-related songs.
This event is therefore not only a place where you can enjoy his true talent and charm as a singer to your heart's content, but also where he and MIQ intertwine and merge, sometimes passionately, sometimes smartly.
Who could have imagined such their aspect and a mutual interaction?
Their state would be that of a true queen and knight.
As with MIQuen, the project is a series of unexpected musical genres and even Japanese firsts from the duo.
It is not an exaggeration to say that The "Queen & Knight" - MIQTAKE - LIVE is a true one-of-a-kind event.
The "Queen & Knight" - MIQTAKE - LIVE will continue to maintain its one-of-a-kind brilliance for those who have been awaiting a live performance for adults and for the adult MIQ and Takenobu Mitsuyoshi.